19. CEMENT BLOCKS. Mildew modest
19. CEMENT BLOCKS. Mildew modest orders of normal or custom made blocks (making, stepping stones, curbs) in all designs and colors. Make molds when essential of plywood and tin. Get orders, market type your "yard" and thru nurseries. 20. TRUCK LETTERING. Use pre-cut, self-stick vinyl letters to supply extended long lasting, skilled truck signals (no art expertise necessary). Use chalk snap strains to mark traces and heart, peel and push set up. Inventory and provide a number of letters. 21. CEMENT MARKERS. Make "engraved" cement or liquid marble markers and indications. Mold "backwards" letters into many hues and textures of plastic-like cement for carved in result. Polish molded marker into a skilled seeking stone. 22. CHAIR CANING. Use cane, plastic or other attention-grabbing supplies to weave seats and backs on to relaxed and picturesque chairs for clientele. Invest in old